Old Town Grand Bazaar

Day 1 Old Town & Grand Bazaar
Our guests will be picked up from the hotels and visit the following places during the day. The heart of the “Old City” from where the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires were ruled. Ayasophia was built in 6th century as the biggest church of the world and then converted into a mosque in 1453. It became a museum in 1934. Blue Mosque, famous with its blue İznik tiles and unique with 6 minarets, mosque was built in the name of Sultan Ahmet. Hippodrome was the center of chariot races, and political activities of the old city. Serpentine Column, Obelisk of Theodosius and German Fountain of Wilhelm II are the monuments  decorating the Hippodrome. Grand Covered Bazaar, most attractive shopping center and nearly 4000 shops selling antiques, jewellery, gold, carpets, leatherware and souvenir. Topkapi Palace, was the administrative center of the Ottoman Empire. Rüstem Paşa Mosque, was designed by Ottoman imperial architect Mimar Sinan for Grand Vizier Damat Rüstem Pasha. Spice Bazaar, famous with its exquisite and colorful tiles set in floral and geometric designs.
Departure time : 9 am (lasts 8 hours)
Inclusions: Hotel pick-up and drop-off, entrance fees, local guide, lunch
Exclusions: Drinks
Our tours are led by licenced professional tour guides.

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